The craniosacral osteopathy consists of the application of osteopathic principles on the skull.

craniosacral osteopathy


Craniosacral Osteopathy:

Osteopathy, developed at the end of the last century by A.T. Still, with its claim to being a holistically oriented healing system, is classified by the use of hands to heal diseases.

The principles of osteopathy are based on the unity of the organism, its self-regulatory and healing forces, the reciprocal influence of the body structure, or tissue, and their function, or physiology, the importance of circulation, as well as putting these insights into practice.

The concept of craniosacral osteopathy was developed at the beginning of the 1930s by William Garner Sutherland. It consists of the application of osteopathic principles on the skull. In addition to the heart rate and the respiratory rhythm, craniosacral osteopathy integrates another rhythmic phenomenon with homeostatic effects called the Primary Respiratory Mechanism. It also refined the skills to release tight body structures with very fine impulses.

 Osteopathy does not primarily deal with special techniques. That is why the founder, A.T. Still, has rarely described any techniques in his various publications. Each osteopath will have the capability of developing his own techniques in his practice, which adapt to the individual needs of the patient.

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Craniosacral Osteopathy

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